NReco.CF.Taste.Impl.Common NamespaceNReco.Recommender Class Library

Public classBitSet
A simplified and streamlined version of BitSet
Public classCache K, V 
An efficient Map-like class which caches values for keys. Values are not "put" into a [!:Cache]; instead the caller supplies the instance with an implementation of [!:IRetriever] which can load the value for a given key.

The cache does not support


Public classFastByIDMap V 
Public classFastIDSet
Public classFixedRunningAverage
Public classFixedRunningAverageAndStdDev
Public classFixedSizeSamplingIterator T 
Public classFullRunningAverage
A simple class that can keep track of a running average of a series of numbers. One can add to or remove from the series, as well as update a datum in the series. The class does not actually keep track of the series of values, just its running average, so it doesn't even matter if you remove/change a value that wasn't added.
Public classFullRunningAverageAndStdDev
Extends FullRunningAverage to add a running standard deviation computation. Uses Welford's method, as described at
Public classInvertedRunningAverage
Public classInvertedRunningAverageAndStdDev
Public classRefreshHelper
A helper class for implementing IRefreshable. This object is typically included in an implementation IRefreshable to implement Refresh(IList IRefreshable ). It execute the class's own supplied update logic, after updating all the object's dependencies. This also ensures that dependencies are not updated multiple times.
Public classSamplinglongPrimitiveIterator
Public classWeightedRunningAverage
Public classWeightedRunningAverageAndStdDev

Public interfaceIRetriever K, V 
Implementations can retrieve a value for a given key.
Public interfaceIRunningAverage
Interface for classes that can keep track of a running average of a series of numbers. One can add to or remove from the series, as well as update a datum in the series. The class does not actually keep track of the series of values, just its running average, so it doesn't even matter if you remove/change a value that wasn't added.
Public interfaceIRunningAverageAndStdDev