IDataModel MethodsNReco.Recommender Class Library

The IDataModel type exposes the following members.


Public methodGetItemIDs
Get all item IDs in the model
Public methodGetItemIDsFromUser
Get list of item IDs for specified user ID
Public methodGetMaxPreference
Get maximum preference value that is possible in the current problem domain being evaluated.
Public methodGetMinPreference
Get minimum preference value that is possible in the current problem domain being evaluated.
Public methodGetNumItems
Get total number of items in the model
Public methodGetNumUsers
Get total number of users in the model
Public methodGetNumUsersWithPreferenceFor(Int64)
Ger number of users that prefer specified item ID
Public methodGetNumUsersWithPreferenceFor(Int64, Int64)
Ger number of users that prefer both specified item IDs
Public methodGetPreferencesForItem
Get all existing preferences by specified item ID
Public methodGetPreferencesFromUser
Get preferences for specified user ID
Public methodGetPreferenceTime
Retrieves the time at which a preference value from a user and item was set, if known.
Public methodGetPreferenceValue
Retrieves the preference value for a single user and item.
Public methodGetUserIDs
All user IDs in the model, in order
Public methodHasPreferenceValues
Check if data model has distinct preference values
Public methodRefresh (Inherited from IRefreshable.)
Public methodRemovePreference
Removes a particular preference for a user.
Public methodSetPreference
Sets a particular preference (item plus rating) for a user.
See Also