PdfImageInfo Properties

NReco.PdfRenderer Class Library Documentation

The PdfImagesPdfImageInfo type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBpc
Bits per component.
Public propertyColor
Image color space.
Public propertyComp
Number of color components
Public propertyEnc
Image encoding.
Public propertyHeight
Image height (in pixels)
Public propertyInterp
True if the interpolation is to be performed when scaling up the image.
Public propertyNum
The image number
Public propertyPage
The page number containing the image.
Public propertyRawLine
Raw output of 'pdfimages -list'
Public propertySize
The size (in bytes) of the embedded image in the pdf file.
Public propertyType
The image type.
Public propertyWidth
Image width (in pixels)
Public propertyXppi
The horizontal resolution of the image (in pixels per inch) when rendered on the pdf page.
Public propertyYppi
The vertical resolution of the image (in pixels per inch) when rendered on the pdf page.
See Also
